Tuesday, June 9, 2009

A Cake a day is all it takes to be happy...(or in which Dorie Greenspan officially makes the Obsession list)

My best friend has a birthday tomorrow, so let's make CAKE! (Sasa, if you're reading, stop now so it will be a surprise.) I've said it before and I'll say it again that Dorie Greenspan really can do no wrong. She makes as mean a pancake as the real deal: This is the Devil's Food Whiteout Cake from her Baking book I made today.

The batter, too beautiful not to photograph.

The beater, before I unabashedly ate all the remaining batter clinging to it, washed it, and lovingly put it away. I eat batter, that way I know the cake is great. No, I am not afraid of raw eggs; see the egg post for details. And, this was one of the best batters I ever ate.

Dorie said the top may crack and the middle may dome, but this was the most perfect bake job I ever did, and on the first try!

The finished cake...I'll have to make one for myself, perhaps for Father's Day.

I know it was a novel idea for Julie Powell to attack and conquer Julia Child's Mastering the Art of French Cooking, and in no way do I belittle her, but I do believe that I may have to make every single recipe in Dorie's book. The only problem is that small detail of health. I must say that I'd rather have a little butter than fake, salty and processed alternatives, but I don't know if my physique such as it is could handle a steady diet of sweets. I'll have to be content to find occasions to bake these miraculous recipes.

Stay tuned, next up will be her Armagnac cake - the one she was fired for, but deemed that it was totally worth it.

Meanwhile, the cake cooled and boy and I walked to the little pond near our house to observe tadpoles, throw rocks and collect these thistles to put on the counter. I doubt anyone else who may have been observing me would have felt the pangs of guilt for collecting wild flowering things, but they were so pretty and plentiful that I couldn't resist.

It really is the smallest things that make my days truly great, just spending the bulk of the day seeing the world again through 2 year old eyes is unspeakably wonderful. And days I get to bake cakes are truly my icing, fantastic edible art that makes others (hopefully) as happy as well.

Happiest of Birthdays and many more to come!!!

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